Monday, February 25, 2013

What the city is doing right or wrong. Any comments ?


  1. The city is known for it's corrupt police department and speed traps. Over the years they have had a police cheif that told everybody it was his town ( he no longer works there ) I guess it's no longer his town. He has a son named Jr he was also hired as a Byrnes Mill police officer, the problem is that he was on probation for a crime he had commited ( you think they would do background checks ) as part of his probation he was not supposed to work full time as a officer. What is hard to understand is why he was there in the first place. Well he violated his probation and had to go to jail. Now this went on for some time and not one person that runs the city did anything about it. Did the city not know this? Who writes the checks? Two more officers that still work there were fired from JCPD for things related to their job. Is this the kind of officers we want on our streets?

  2. I do not shop,get gas or eat in Byrnes Mill any more because of the police dept, they give the city a bad name. We now go to High Ridge or Fenton to spend or money.

  3. What happens to all the people he wrote tickets when he was on probation ? Do they get the tickets expunged and their money back? Sounds like some people need to talk to civil rights attorney.

  4. I am a long time resident of Byrnes Mill we had years of the former cheif's BULLS--- calling Byrnes Mill his town and he would do as he pleased NOW hes gone. A good thing butt!!! we have a so called city manager that says he's in charge and he will do what he wants!!! So do we call him Larry Locke? This guy needs to go ASAP!!!!
    We do not need any one like this in our city

  5. I try to avoid that city if at all possible. The stories of police misconduct are disturbing,and should be stoped. I will not spend a dime at any business in Byrnes Mill.

  6. I got pulled over for my blinker blinking to slow. They are a joke.

  7. The police dept is no more than a cash cow for the city,they use Hwy 30 and Hwy W to finance their corrupt police dept.I never see them giving out tickets on their city roads just state Hwy's. If they wrote tickets on city streets the people in Byrnes Mill would get rid of them.They could write tickets on upper and lower Byrnes Mill road all day long for speeding but that will nwver happen.

  8. I would like to know how many tickets they write to people that live in the city?

  9. I live in Byrnes Mill and have been pulled over 3 times and was warned all 3 times but no ticket so I beleive they look to see where you live. Good for me bad for others that don't live in the city. I'am sorry but we don't need a police dept,just my opinion. People hate to drive through our city,it gives the city a bad name.

  10. We need to get laws passed that keep corrupt towns form taking money from hard working people just to fund their goverment. Call your lawmakers and complain and file complaints every time you can.

  11. jeff county residentMarch 12, 2013 at 6:57 AM

    I do not go to anymore stores or restaurants in Byrnes Mill because I don't whant to give them any of my money to fund their corrupt town. I will get a list of Byrnes Mill businesses and post them on here so people know where the money is going.I choose not to give my money to them.They have been fleecing the people that have to drive through their town for to long. It's time to start taking money from them.

  12. Jeff County ResidentMarch 12, 2013 at 7:17 AM

    I hear they have a new Cheif but they still have officers that are bad news. Two of them were fired from Jeff County PD, one was in a bar fight in House Springs and the other for something to do with a case he was on. The same two responded to a robbery/ kidnapping in High Ridge and lied about shooting their guns.The officers they have break the law more than the people they pull over in traffic stops.

  13. This blog is a good idea,it's about time we stand up to the corrupt City of Byrnesmill.We need to talk to law makers and try to stop this kind of thing from going on in our state.All these small towns are run by people that can't get honest jobs so they make their own jobs.The problem is that all the people that live around them have to put up with all their B.S.

  14. Without the state highways to patrol their revenue would drop,thats how they pay for their police dept. If they charged the city residents for police protection insted of ticket revenue from Hwy 30 and W they would be run out of town by their own people.I'am willing to bet that 95% of tickets are from state owned highways not city streets. The laws need to be changed.

  15. The city residents like the police dept because it dosen't cost THEM much money and they don't receive many tickets because they live in the city.Someone I know lives in the city and they get what is called FREE PASS because the live in Byrnes Mill. The city is paying for the police dept off the backs of hard working people that are just trying to get by. Until the city changes their ways,they will be known as the corrupt town with the speed trap.

  16. I have lived in this area for 45 years and will say I have seen small town corruption at it's best. The City of Byrnes Mill should be ashamed of themselves for what they have done to people that have to pass through their city on state owned highways.People are barely getting by and don't need to give the city money for the bogus tickets they write to mainly non - residents. The city his just a business and is of no benefit to anyone that lives around them. They may have started with good ideas but corruption has been there for years.They have a city attorney/prosecutor,juge,court clerk ect.. that all make a living off of tickets.I will not spend ANY of my money in Byrnes Mill.

  17. This blog is a great idea,I will spread the word. I have a few stories of my own but need to find out if I'am going to sue over civil rights issues before I share them with the rest of the world.Thanks

  18. I drive around Byrnes Mill when I can and do not shop in the city.I just don't understand how they can have cops working for them that act like they do. They are the ones that should be in jail. Ed Locke,Ed Locke Jr are criminals themselves and two more were fired from Jef Co PD.The people that run the city must not check out their cops before they hire them or they don't care.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. The corruption in Byrnes Mill has been there for a long time,to stop it you need to look at the people that make a living running the city,police Dept,and court system.People that live in the city don't see it as problem because it dosen't effect them like the people that live outside their town.The things the police have done over the last 15 years is just plain ignorant.

  21. The Police Department in Byrnes Mill is the laughing stock of law enforcement,if you talk to people that work for the county and mention Byrnes Mill they just laugh.

  22. The only thing worse that a bad COP is ..... well there is nothing worse than a bad cop and they seem to have a couple still there.

  23. Byrnes Mill ResidentMarch 19, 2013 at 11:17 AM

    We need to stop them from the land grab.We don't need more goverment and higher taxes.The City is corrupt and needs to go.

  24. Ed Locke is no longer chief and they have hired officers who are drug users and who are felons along with their families. Not only were they fired or never hired in jeffco cause they cannot pass the required physical tests

    1. Can you tell us who they are and what test they did not pass. Thanks
