Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Charlie Snow  for MAYOR !!!!!!!!! I think that is a great idea. I think it's time to clean up the mess the people running the city have made. We also need some good honest people to run for office and help out with some much needed house cleaning.


  1. House Springs ResidentSeptember 5, 2013 at 10:44 AM

    Good to see someone take a intrest in changing the way Byrnes Mill operates. The first thing that needs to be done is clean house, get rid of everybody has been there in the last 5 years and replace them with honest people that can run the city or just shut it down. The next thing is the police dept needs to go, turn it over to the county and let handle the police work. The police dept has been corrupt for a long time and that has not changed. The city has used the police dept for a revenue making machine for a long time at the expense of all the people that have no choice but to drive through their town. Next the name needs to be changed to House Springs, thats what is has been foever and thats what it should be now. Just my 2 cents.

    1. I hear one of their cops was honored for his work with MAD. I saw him drinking at Pegs and then get into his car and drive away. There is nothing worse than a bad cop. They speed, drink and drive, write bad accident reports and are a disgrace to all the good officers out there.

  2. I do not shop,eat or get gas in the City OF Byrnes Mill, because I don't want to give them any of my money. I grew up in House Springs and it makes me sick to see what the city has been doing to all the people that live around them. I tell all my friends to spend their money elseware and keep the city from getting our money. I use Wallgreens,McDonalds,O'Reilys all outside of the city limits. They will not get anymore of my money.

  3. House Springs ResidentSeptember 6, 2013 at 7:01 AM

    Charlie will make a great mayor, the city needs someone to get them headed in the right direction. Most people don't have any problem with the city itself, just the police department and the city using them to fund their little goverment and pay bills with money made from people that drive on state hwy 30. I would like them to raise taxes on people that live in the city to pay their bills, and then we will see just how much the people need the corrupt police. I here they make about 65,000 a mounth from tickets on hwy 30. I would like to know how many tickets get written to people that live in the city compared to people outside the city. I think I know.

  4. I think if the city needs more money to operate, they should raise taxes on the people that live in the city instead of taking it from everybody that lives outside it. They use money from tickets and higher taxes at businesses that are paid mostly from non city residents. The reason they don't have a fire dept is because they can't charge non residents and there is no profit to take. THE CITY NEEDS TO GO...

  5. It is time for a major change. I have lived in House Springs all my life, THAT'S RIGHT, I SAID HOUSE SPRINGS, not byrnes mill.

  6. The police dept. needs to go. I see some new faces but they still behave the same way. We need a Mayor with some backbone and some alderman that are honest to put an end to the corruption. It's time for a major change. Good luck Charlie, you got my vote.

  7. House Springs ResidentJanuary 13, 2014 at 10:15 AM

    I think it's time for the City residents to start paying their bills and not rely on the tickets they wright to people that live outside the city. It's a well known fact that they do not patrol their own city streets and make all their revenue from Hwy 30. Now they want to build a new City Hall with the poor peoples money that have to use the STATE OWNED HIGHWAY that runs by their town. There needs to be a mayor that is honest and does not let the police and city administrator take advantage of their positions. The city seems to think it can do what ever it wants and were supposed to sit back and let them. I here they are trying to get permission to patrol Hwy 30 all the up to Wallmart, they need to be stopped. I hope a new Mayor will be the change the city needs and can stop the corruption and get rid of all the bad cops. Mike Smith and Roger Ide are bad cops and should not be allowed to have a badge or a gun.

  8. Good luck to Charlie, someone needs to break up the Good ole boy system they have going on in the City. I keep hearing things like " we can do what ever we want " and so far that has been true but their are ways to change that. I spoke to Mr Kempin and was told that he has talked with the Mayor several times but has not seen much change. I know their are good people out there that will make things right, I just hope it is sooner than later.

  9. Well said Steve, I also see City employees driving City cars and trucks for personal use, I work for a company that provides me a car and its counts as income and they pay payroll taxes on it, I do not believe the City is doing that. The take advantage of their status as a City to skate by the rules the rest of us have to follow, and go largely unchecked by state or the feds. The state will do a limited audit with a percentage of signatures from City residents. Even though their audit has not shown any wrong doing that does not mean they have no issues. They can't audit what they don't know.
